I haven’t had much time to prepare a third-year blogaversary post. Instead, I've been preparing for two speaking engagements I locked in for this weekend.
I hadn't even realized my third year was approaching until yesterday. “OMG! I haven’t even drafted a blogaversary post!” I wasn’t as bothered as the exclamation mark eluded. I’m actually quite pleased. Because three years ago this is exactly what I set out to do: start an online foundation to one day change the lives of women, up close and personal.
I knew that DEAR QUEENS could only thrive online for so long before I was no longer satisfied with inspiring women from behind a computer. Doing it this way forever was never the goal. This was just the start. I was determined to grow beyond an internet presence, but I knew I had to start by getting my thoughts on paper (or online). I had to establish myself, and this blog, as a reputable brand dedicated to encouraging women through their lows, to empower them to go get their highs. I had to be creative and passionate. I had to be determined and dedicated. Launching this online space—where I exposed my vulnerabilities and shared my narrative in hopes of inspiring others—was merely the beginning.
It's been three years of tireless work, event planning, holiday initiatives, merchandising, playing around with GarageBand to record my podcasts, and dedicating myself to healing in women who sought me out for counsel. Three years of trial & error, lessons learned, and notes to self. Three years of honesty, transparency, authenticity, and internal work. Three years of God shifting my life to be able to serve Him in this way. Three years of work for me to get out of my own way and really do this; really show up and advocate for black women struggling spiritually and mentally; really be present for those longing for love and purpose. Three years of consistency, and fight, and drive, and passion, and love. Three years of surrender.
Yesterday, when I had the audacity to remember that I hadn’t started writing a post to honor DEAR QUEENS, I realized that this is why I started it. That being busy with collaborations and networking events, guest appearing on podcasts, and preparing to speak at workshops and seminars, is what my vision feels like manifested. This is what I conjured up to do over three years ago when I began planning this launch. This is the work I was purposed to do, and I am finally doing it. I am fully immersed in it. And it feels good. So good.
On this anniversary, as I prepare myself to talk to a group of over 50 women about purpose and process, I realize that this dream I had, three years ago, is in its second phase of full implementation. That in this third year, I'm right on target with what I envisioned. That in this third year, my message is resonating with more and more women, and lives are being changed—not just online but in person. That in this third year—not being sure how I'd be consistent enough to make it here—I am here. I have arrived. And I am not leaving.
HAPPY THIRD YEAR, DEAR QUEENS! I love what you're becoming, and I cannot wait to see what this year will bring.