I am writing to remind you of why this day may (or may not) mean so much to you. For we are women and women are one of the more delicate forms of nature. For we know how to make the cold days feel cozy and how to make the “ugly days” feel flawless again. But something I am watching my Queens do is use this day to forget who needs the most of your love.
This letter is for my ladies still running ramped for Valentine’s Day and for my ladies still rolling their eyes at Cupid. This is for the women still day dreaming of how they wish to shower someone with affection and for the women still wondering why they have yet to be pampered by another. This letter is for all of you. You are love.
You are daytime and new beginnings, you are nightfall and prayers. You are an open temple, and you are Fort Knox. You are the person pouring all of your love into a glass and you are the lucky person to get the last sip.. You are love. You are the reason that “they” hate you and you are the reason that “they” desire you, because you are love.
I have learned that with the matters of the heart, there is no manual, no panic button, and no right answers. I have learned that no form of rejection, no amount of jealousy, and no level of pride can overcome the power of love. I have learned that revenge is only as sweet as the bitterness you hold onto. And no matter how much love you may (or may not) be willing to give another person, you will never run out of it for yourself because YOU ARE LOVE.
Remember this today, Queens. And may your tomorrows welcome the same power that you possess because it will never take the 14th of February to remind you that:
You. Are. Love.
I wouldn't have wanted to end this WHAT ABOUT LOVE Series with any other post. Aundrea, thank you for shining your light on the women struggling to see in the dark. Continue to share your lessons with the world - someone needs them.