It's hard. It seems like God has shut you out and has stopped answering your many prayers. In fact, life has gotten so out of hand that each day you come with a new prayer to your already long list. Your five minute prayers turn to hours because five minutes is no longer enough time to get to the root of your season. You have to pray so long, about so much that you fall asleep for an hour and can still wake up with your prayer list going. Yet, no matter how many times you get on your knees and clasp your hands, nothing seems to be changing. God doesn't seem to be moving and you're getting closer and closer to giving up.
Why is this happening to me? What am I doing wrong? You ask yourself, trying to make sense of where you currently are. You're being shaken and stirred far beyond your comfort level and are breaching into a place of depression and defeat. You're not sure how much longer you can hold on, or how many more prayers you can say to get your point across.
WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! You yell as God continues to sit quietly - seemingly ignoring your prayers.
"No one tells you how much you mourn during growth."
Seasons of 'going through', as I dub them, are seasons of growth. They're where you get wrapped up in the various obstacles of life, as a means of creating character, improving faith and demanding development. While God seems quiet during these times, He is very much present and pays careful attention to the way you respond to this season. Are you praying more? Are you praying harder? Are you trusting Him to answer your prayers?
Your season of 'going through' is critical to you developing further in your faith. Of course it's easy to praise and thank God when life is going right - when your inboxes are flooded with job opportunities and all of your friends remain your friends. But what happens when your life gets chaotic? When your job made cuts and you were one of them? When your biggest supporters become your most envious foes? What happens when you seem to have lost everything but your right mind?
Are you still praising God, then? Are you thanking Him for the opportunities you once had? Are you thanking Him for sticking with you during this rough time? Are you trusting Him to make a way?
Admittedly, that part of our faith is much more challenging than the former - praising when everything is alright - but it's also the most critical. Acknowledging God's power and praising Him during these tough times is what makes our act of faith more meaningful. Believing that God is there even when He's seemingly silent, is true faith. Believing that He is going to turn around this desperate situation is the essence of what faith stands on.
God puts weight on you to prepare you for where He has you going. You can only grow and develop when you add weight. God is adding weight to strengthen and prepare you for your next place in life - a place where your faith cannot waiver. A place where weak faith cannot go.
Truth is, the more weight you carry the stronger your faith becomes so when God temporarily places these burdens onto your back, He is giving you the endurance to carry them. He is seeing whether or not you will trust that He will come and retrieve them from you, or if you will just drop them and give up. He wants to see if you are serious about strengthening your spirituality, or if you plan to run once it gets hard. This is a very important test.
See, if God doesn't test you, He won't know how faithful and committed you are to His purpose. God's tests are His way of evaluating your readiness for the next level. If He can't trust you in this season, how will He trust you in the next? Think of it as a job promotion, you won't get promoted until your boss knows you can handle the stresses of the position you have right now. God wants to promote you, but you must first be prepared enough to pass the test.
Does she have enough faith in Me to carry her to and through where I have her going? Will she rely on Me to see her through this mission - or will she go to someone else? Does she trust My plan despite her discomfort? Will she remain faithful to Me during this rough time? Can I trust her to spread My gospel in the way I gifted her to, or will she be faulty and uncomplimentary? Will she give up at the first sign of trouble, or will she recognize Me ready to fight for her?
Your season of 'going through' is for development and evaluation. Weight is being added and your endurance is being tested to determine whether or not you're fit in faith enough to head to the next level.
So instead of asking yourself "why is this happening?" start asking yourself some more effective questions. Ask yourself what lesson you should be learning during this season of discomfort. Ask yourself if you're ready to head to the next level with God (and be honest about that because there's no turning back!). Ask yourself what Bible scripture, prayer warrior or faith-based book can help you through this time. The battle will only get more challenging, so He must be able to trust you with what you have now, before He can move you forward.
The worst place to be, is a place you aren't ready for. Embrace your season of 'going through'. Welcome the tests you're currently involved in. Bask in the excitement of God's plan to use you. And, delight in your process of preparation, knowing that greater is coming your way!